A Leading
Food & Beverages
and Retail Specialist


We strive to constantly explore and deliver a unique retail experience


Our Vision

To be Global leader in Food & Beverages and Retail industry

Our Mission

To connect and provide full ecosystem to food & Beverages and retail industry

Our Vision

To be Global leader in Food & Beverages and Retail industry

Our Mission

To connect and provide full ecosystem to food & Beverages and retail industry

From New Ventures To Expansions, We Want to Hear from You

Whether you are delving into F&B for the first time or are looking to expand into new locations, we at the DTR Group are ready to extend a helping hand. 

For most F&B Operators, shopping malls are one of the best ways to build prominent exposure for your brands. With a high footfall, malls can be an idea platform to improve your visibility to the public which can then lead to sales conversions. 

Every shopping mall however has a quota on not only how many F&B brands can be part of their retail mix, but also what type of F&B tenants can fit into the fixed categories. This selectiveness coupled with limited space can present a challenge that we are prepared to help with

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