We Cover End to End Solutions for the Food & Beverage and Retail Industry




Our Key Services

Market Research and Study

With our set of well developed network and our dedicated team of researches, we can instinctively and intuitively provide latest trends and validated market research for better decision making

Retail Strategy & Concept

Our team at DTR Group have been embedded into the Malaysian and Thailand region for decades. The Founders of the DTR Group have the know how and experience to craft a strategy for your brand.

Propose Malls & Positioning

As with our experience, comes the relationship that we have built with mall operators all over Malaysia and Thailand. 

Rental Negotiation

New retail players who do not understand the scene can often be at the mercy of the market prices. At DTR Group, we are well versed in the standard rates and offerings available to a discerning tenant.

Submission & Processing

Our job does not end at consulting, we ensure that your new retail outlet opens smoothly and gloriously.